City Council
Mayor Eric Johnson 547-3264
Alfred Klindworth, Alderman 547-3464
Roger Pforr Alderman 547-3200
Carol Schneider City Auditor/Treasurer547-3266 3282
Cindy Melby City Assessor 547-3469
A Bit of History
Hamberg in its Hey-Day
By Mrs. Gabe Dybing
In the early days, our township was known as Faleide Township named after one of the settlers, Abraham Faliede. This man was on the election board. One day he walked all the way to Sykeston, which was the county seat at the time, carrying the ballot boxes. He wore out a pair of shoes on this trip.
The town of Hamberg was started in 1910, when the railroad was built. This line was called the Surrey Cut-Off and was built west through the northern part of Wells County. The new Great Northern line came through in April 1910. In October, a 500 foot trestle spanning the Sheyenne River was begun. The highest point was 65 feet.
A.F. Pforr built the first store building in the new town of Viking (Hamberg’s original name) in 1910. The first post office was established in march, 1911 with Frank Schroeder as postmaster. The same year, Ed Shulkey opened a pool hall next to the Pforr store. Sometime later, A.W. Georgeson set himself up as a blacksmith. The Abe Olson General Store and the Grondahl Amondrud Implement Company followed in 1912. The T.L. Beiseker Viking State Bank was chartered August, 1912, though it didn’t open for business until 1913.
In 1913, the name of the town was changed to Hamberg. Viking was confusing since there were so many towns by that name. Beiseker followed suit and his bank became Hamberg State Bank. Viking Mercantile Co. (Ellingson and Aanderud) kept the original name of Viking. Other businesses in Hamberg were Martin Ihlen’s Hardware and Faren Machinery Store; Sam Pete’s Lumber Yard; Ole Oxness’ Hardware Store; Ed Rosendahl’s Meat Market; Carl Nelson’s Pool Hall and Restaurant; Etta harsheim’s Millinery and O.T. Otterson’s Drug Store.
There were three elevators: Regan and Lyness, Farmers, and Julius Affelts. The manager of the Farmer’s Elevator was J.B. Larson. Jim Langdon was the buyer for Regan and Lyness. The Farmers State Bank came into existence in 1914. S.Stenrodden was cashier. There was even a third bank, The Security State Bank, with Art Myhre and later R.H. Buechler as cashiers. The assets of the Hamberg State Bank, however, had been taken over by the Farmers State Bank.
The Hamberg Opera House was dedicated April 24, 1918, but the upper story was later removed when it ceased to function as a community center.
In its Hey-Day, the town had at least 24 business men, as the photographs of business men by Charles Olson indicate. Over the years, fires have leveled most of the early structures in Hamberg. Erquette Shulkey, son of Ed Shulkey, estimates that 15 or 20 structures have been raised by fire in the town of Hamberg.
Hamberg was first called Viking, the name changed to Hamburg in 1912 or 13, but during WWI, the spelling was changed to Hamberg. At one time Hamberg had 24 businesses. (“Wells County 1884-1984 A Centennial Souvenir”)
More information about the history of, or current events in, Hamberg would be appreciated. If you’d like to submit a story or some information about the community, businesses or school, please send an e-mail to